findPWA - Directory of Progressive Web Apps

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PWA - Progressive Web App

PWAs are not only responsive websites or the so called web apps, they can rather be installed which means that you can download the website and install it as real app. Because of that you can use the progressive app/website offline too. A well developed PWA behaves like a native app from the Appstore/Play Store.

For developers PWAs are a big advantage because they are easier to develop since the developer only needs one website/web app and not many apps for different devices no matter if you have an iOS/Android/Windows or macOS device.

Therefore are PWAs the future of apps and websites.

Learn more about progressive web apps, how they should be developed at

Read this article from to understand what is important for a PWA.

This progressive web app directory is for anyone interested in PWAs and for developers to give them examples of PWAs. For app publishers, this directory is helpful to gain more traffic.

You want to build your own progressive web app? Get started with our development page or use this training articles to build your first progressive web app.

You have a PWA? Feel free to submit your app.

Explanation about the homepage sections

Recommended Apps

Recommended Apps are manually picked apps which we think are cool.

Popular Categories

These are the most popular apps by most clicked category.

Popular Publishers

These are the most popular publishers from selected big publishers.

Top Apps

Our Top Apps are the apps which are the most launched apps.

Trending Apps

When the app gets suddenly a high click-rate and new apps which are so cool that they are going to be a top app.

Top Performing Apps

All PWAs get a frequently Lighthouse Audit. These apps have the best audit result.

New Verified Apps

New apps, created by large companies/organizations.

New Apps

All submitted and manually published apps, sorted by add date.


Chrome Desktop/Edge

Search for the install symbol in the URL-bar in the right corner or use the install option in the menu.

Chrome Mobile

At android devices there should popup a reminder to add the app to homescreen, otherwise use the install option in the menu.

Safari iOS

Click the share button and press "Add to Home Screen".