findPWA - Directory of Progressive Web Apps


Make random decisions.

require_location Location: -
require_camera Camera: -
require_mic Mic: -
require_account Account: -
require_payment Payment: -
require_ads Ads: -
  • lighthouse-logo
  • Lighthouse Audit

    Last Checked
    22 days ago
  • performance_icon Performance
  • accessibility_icon Accessibility
  • best-practices_icon Best Practices
  • seo_icon SEO
  • pwa_icon PWA


All reviews
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The simplicity of this app is amazing! Very customizable, yet easy to use!

star-icon star-icon star-icon star-icon star-icon

Very great and simple application. Just wish it was FOSS though :)

Denis Skira
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More apps of category Tools

Category: Tools


About this App

When you want to install Wheel then you have to launch the app by clicking on 'Launch'. This will open a new tab and you get redirected to Wheel.

If there is no screenshot available, you will find a default image. We try to add new screenshots but it takes time.

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Open the PWA with the Launch-Button and then do the following:

Chrome Desktop

Search for the install symbol in the URL-bar in the right corner or use the install option in the menu.

Chrome Mobile

At android devices there should popup a reminder to add the app to homescreen, otherwise use the install option in the menu.

Safari iOS

Click the share button and press 'Add to Home Screen'.